Tuesday, October 06, 2009

China humiliates India, blocks Arunachal development fund

New Delhi, September 18:

China has successfully obstructed the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from acknowledging Arunachal as a part of India. Pakistan, Japan and Australia assisted China in convincing the international lobby that Arunachal does not belong to India.

China has won a vote against India's "disclosure agreement" of a proposed development project in Arunachal Pradesh. This prevents ADB from funding any development project in the area under India's spearhead.

India had earlier isolated China and secured approval of the entire ADB board members for its 2.9 billion country plan. China had raised objections to the plan because it included 60 million projects in Arunachal Pradesh. China argued that ADB cannot fund projects in disputed areas like Arunachal Pradesh.

Few weeks after its failed attempt to block ADB funds for an Indian development project in Arunachal Predesh, China struck back, despite most of the western block and US in India's favour.

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