Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gains made by army must not be frittered away

War on terror which commenced in the aftermath of 9/11 and in which Pakistan became the frontline state has had a debilitating impact on political, social, religious and economic aspects. By diverting bulk of our resources towards futile war, business, tourism, sports and economy crashed. Flow of investment dried up due to security reasons. Pakistan lost over $ 35 billion, its foreign exchange and exchange rate dwindled rapidly, stock market nosedived, and inflation surged resulting in skyrocketing of price spiral of daily commodities. With no money left to pay the IPPs, the country plunged into darkness and load shedding hours stretched from 8 to 16 hours in a day. Corruption touched new heights governance standards declined. The begging bowl that had been put away was once again spread before the IMF to bail out the country from its acute economic crisis. Foreign sponsored covert operations, suicide attacks and drone attacks compounded the problems. On top of it, premier institutions like the army and the ISI were subjected to insinuations and blame game accusing them of not doing enough and for harboring terrorists. Despite employing army in restive Waziristan, Bajaur Hangu, Darra, Khyber and Swat in 2008, militants duly supported by foreign agencies gained strength and enlarged their areas of influence.
When you start, you never stop. If you stop, you will never be able to start again.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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